occupational therapist carrying out assessment in clients house

The role of an Occupational Therapist and Trusted Assessor

Roles and responsibilities of an occupational therapist and trusted assessor.


If you are finding it difficult moving around your home and completing day to day tasks. You may need to consider seeking advice from an occupational therapist or trusted assessor who may recommend the following:

  • changing your home environment.
  • adapting your home which will meet your needs.
  • installing equipment that will help you and a carer, if you require one.

If you are unsure about the best way to maintain your safety and independence in your home. Adapt your home for life advise you seek a formal assessment of your needs from an occupational therapist or trusted assessor.

Role of an Occupational Therapist.

An occupational therapists job role is to help people of all ages overcome the effects of disability caused by illness, ageing or accident so that they can carry out everyday tasks. This may include a variety of interventions to help self-support and increase independence.

Key areas for intervention:

  • Arrange for equipment or devices to assist with daily activities. This may involve a referral to social services regarding equipment or modifications (wet room, stair lifts, accessible kitchens etc)
  • Advice and education about protecting your joints, splints to support your joints to reduce pain and inflammation
  • Address problems with hand function; where possible provide tailored strengthening and stretching hand exercise programme. 
  • Fatigue management.
  • Discussing your condition, how to accept the changes this brings and what you can do to help
  • Encourage self-management, ensuring activities you need or want to do can be modified or adapted to make them easier
  • Referral to local exercise, health and wellbeing groups 

Role of A Trusted Assessor

Using trusted assessors to carry out an assessment speeds up response times allowing homes to be adapted in a safe and timely way. Before you consider a major adaptation such as installing a level access shower (which will be approved by an OT) You may find that smaller pieces of equipment will enable the user to live comfortably in their home. All minor home adaptations below can be advised by a trusted assessor after completing an individual assessment.

Key areas for intervention:

  • Assisted baths/baths with integral lifts
  • Fixing support rails
  • Perching stools, shower seats, stalls and benches
  • Bath and shower boards
  • Bath stools
  • Swivel bath seats
  • Bath lifts
  • Lever taps
  • Lighting
  • Grab rails
  • Walking aids

Our Promise

Waiting for an occupational therapist referral can be frustrating and detrimental to the client’s health and well-being. Adapt your home for life prides ourselves on the ability to call on our Occupational therapists and trusted assessors immediately to help support you through these often difficult and anxious times. We Help cut through red tape and government bureaucracy, enabling clients to receive the support and help they need in a timely manner.

Enquiry Form

Let us know what your problems are around the house and we will provide solutions. We can give you ideas of products that can help, or we can assist in changing the layout of your house and garden so that it becomes useable.

Contact us

Unit 4 Old Co-Op Buildings
Front Street,
Newcastle Upon Tyne,
United Kingdom
NE16 6LX